Two Films, One Planet
I have come upon two new documentary films that tackle urgent problems facing humanity, though they do so from different angles. Both films reinforce, for me, the basic idea that we are all one family living on one planet — and that we need to work together even more closely to get these problems solved for the future.
Let me share a bit about the two films with you, and with an encouragement for you to look into them yourself and arrive at your own judgments.
Read more...Shut the Frackers Down
I had been not following environmental issues in the United States all that closely for awhile, so when I finally did find out about the issue of deep underground drilling of natural gas within the borders of the U.S., my reaction was one of disbelief: Are we still raping the Earth for profits and exploitation? Is this for real?
It was, and it is. Taking the time to inform myself on this issue, I found that hydraulic fracturing — or “fracking,” as it has become known — involves inserting pipes deep underground that shoot high-pressure streams of water, sand and toxic chemicals into the earth. This fractures or breaks apart the solid rock so that the oil and natural gas can be essentially sucked up to the surface and from there, taken by private energy companies to do with as they please.